Jude Thomas - One Month
It’s such a cliché, but wow this month flew by! We are doing our best to enjoy every moment with baby Jude, because I know he is going to grow up so fast. We are already seeing him change so much since the day he came into this world. He has been steadily gaining weight, (breastfeeding has been going super well, thankfully!) he is getting so strong; lifting his head and kicking. He squeaks and grunts more and more each day. And it amazes me how much he has grown already!
Though things got off to a rough start, with Jude having to go to the NICU, we are getting this parenting thing down and I’m really proud of Allan and me for communicating and being a team in a whole new way. I always knew Allan would be an excellent dad, but wow, seeing it has made me fall even deeper in love with him. He is so good with Jude, and he has been taking really good care of us. Cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, checking in on us when I’m nursing, bringing me water, running errands, and so much more. I am so, so thankful for such a loving man and grateful that he gets 6 weeks off from work. I’m also really thankful that my mom could be here! She watched Winnie and Sir Douglas while we were at the hospital, which was a weight off our shoulders knowing someone was home with them all the time for 4 days straight. And then, when we got back from the hospital, she was a huge help with Jude! He loves his grandma! Later, my dad joined us and it was super cute watching him with Jude. They took lots of naps together. A couple of days after my dad arrived, Allan’s mom came for the weekend, so Jude had 3 of his grandparent here at the same time! I’m so thankful that they got to meet their first grandson.
One Month Memories:
Breastfeeding Jude for the first time. He latched on right away! The lactation specialist was super impressed. And I was so relieved after being worried he would have a tough time with it since we didn’t get skin to skin and I wasn’t able to feed him right after birth because he was taken away and put on oxygen right away. Breastfeeding in general is a favorite of mine. I just love staring at my boy. I’m so thankful it has been pretty easy for me and continues to go really well.
The first time Jude made squeak sounds. I can’t even explain how adorable I find those little squeaks.
When they told us Jude had been off the oxygen since 3am the day after we arrived and he would be able to join us in our hospital room!
Our first Family walk. It was so nice when the weather was finally warm enough for us to spend some time outside to get some fresh air. I want the warm weather to stay so we can do more outside.
The first time Jude enjoyed taking a bath. He didn’t like the first two, but by the third bath he was very content.
The first time Allan held Jude. I remember him just staring at him in awe and I could tell he was a little emotional. It was super sweet.
Allan praising Jude for lifting his head or scooting forward by himself when on his tummy.
My Mom staying with us for 3 weeks. She has done this before…. 4 times. So having her here was reassuring.
My Dad and Jude napping together on the couch and then when Jude woke up dad would say “ok let’s go for a walk around”
Having tacos and caipirinha with 3 of the grandparents. The tacos and caipirinha were good and the conversation was even better.
Allie bringing us enchiladas, cookies, and pretty tulips! We are so blessed to have her as a friend (she’s more like family)
Facetiming my best friends Miki and Annaliese so they can “meet” Jude.
Having my parents and Allan’s mom here. They loved having their turn to snuggle this baby boy.
Jude smiling for the first time. We love his milk-drunk smiles.
Jude’s favorite things:
His Jungle play mat. He loves laying on his mat and looking at the animals. He doesn’t like his swing, or his bouncer, but lay him on his mat and he is perfectly content.
Lights. Jude loves looking at all the lights in the house.
He loves sleeping on his stomach on our chests. He got to do this a lot with Grandma and Grandpa.
Being held. Again, he’s not a fan of his swing or bouncer, his absolute favorite place to be is in our arms. And even though we don’t get a lot done, we are enjoying all the baby snuggles while we still can.
He also enjoys being nice and snug in his baby wrap while mommy cleans. Every time I put him in it he falls right asleep.
Peeing on mom and dad also seems to be a favorite thing to do. We cover him, and the second we uncover him…. well, you get it.
Around week two he starting squealing and grunting. It’s so adorable! Watch the video at the bottom of this blog post to hear!
Car rides. He falls right asleep as soon as the car starts moving. We are looking forward to road trips this summer!
Raising his hands above his head when he’s laying down. His hands are either by his face or above his head when he’s laying down.
Time to go home!
I had my mom snap this photo of Jude and me when Jude was 6 days old
Allie.photo came over and snapped photos of the 3 of us when Jude was 10 days old
Grandma got to be a part of the photo shoot!
3 generations :)
We all wore our matching hats!
I, of course, had to get a photo of me and my boy matching